Länder, Flaggen und Vorwahlen


Flag of Republic of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe)

ZW, Republic of Zimbabwe

bwg: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

eng: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

kck: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

khi: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

ndc: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

nde: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

nya: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

sna: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

sot: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

toi: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

tsn: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

tso: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

ven: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

xho: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

zib: Republic of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Top-Level-Domain: .zw

Currency: Botswana pula (P), Chinese yuan (¥), Euro (€), British pound (£), Indian rupee (₹), Japanese yen (¥), United States dollar ($), South African rand (Rs), Zimbabwean bonds ($)

Sprache: Chibarwe(bwg), English(eng), Kalanga(kck), Khoisan(khi), Ndau(ndc), Northern Ndebele(nde), Chewa(nya), Shona(sna), Sotho(sot), Tonga(toi), Tswana(tsn), Tsonga(tso), Venda(ven), Xhosa(xho), Zimbabwean Sign Language(zib)

Calling Code: +263

code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: ZW
code ISO 3166-1 numeric2: 716
code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3: ZWE
code International Olympic Committee: ZIM

Independent: Ja
UN-Member: Ja

Emoji: 🇿🇼

Area: 390757km²

Borders: Flag of %s
, Flag of %s
, Flag of %s
, Flag of %s


Data provided by https://github.com/mledoze/countries, 1.1.2023